Conditions and Procedures for Implementing the Voluntary Contribution Scheme
1. Guideline of SLC and Contratual Terms for BFIs_KH_EN
The Royal Government of Cambodia (“RGC”) has adopted Sub-Decree No. 280 on Conditions and Procedures for Implementing the Voluntary Contribution Health Care Social Security Scheme dated 28 August 2023 (“Sub Decree No. 280”). Sub-Decree No. 280 contains 5 (five) chapters, covering the general provision, the condition and procedure of registration and payment of contribution, the condition and procedure of claims and provisions, the co-rule, and the final provisions.
General Provisions
Sub-Decree No. 280 applies to self-employed people and dependents who are members of the National Social Security Scheme (“NSSF”), including spouses and dependents. Below are the terms as determined under Sub Decree No. 280:
- Dependent: refers to a child, or an orphan living under the direct responsibility of an NSSF member, who is under 18 years of age and does not have an occupation or income-generating work. The age limit does not apply if the child has a disability or chronic illness.
- A self-employed Individual: refers to an individual engaged in self-employment or an occupation unrelated to wages or salaries provided by an employer or the state under an employment contract and who also does not use workers in their work or occupation.
- Maternity allowance: refers to the allowance for NSSF members during pre- and postpartum leave.
- Spouses: refer to the husband or wife who acquired marital status after legally registering their marriage.
- Voluntary Contribution Health Care The Social Security Scheme (“Voluntary Contribution Scheme”): refers to the social security system for health care in which self-employed individual and their dependents voluntarily participate by paying contributions as determined by the law.
Condition and Procedure of Registration in Voluntary Contribution Health Care Social Security Scheme
Members of NSSF may apply to register in the Voluntary Contribution Scheme on behalf of their dependents by submitting the required documents and materials when registering in the Voluntary Contribution Scheme for dependents (Art. 5, Sub-Decree No. 280). Self-employed individuals under the age of 60 years as of the date of application may also register in the Voluntary Contribution Scheme by attaching the National ID card.
According to Article 9 of Sub-Decree No. 280, there are two levels of claims or benefits that NSSF members contributing under the Voluntary Contribution Scheme are eligible for. They are:
- Level 1: the minimum allowance for medical treatment, care services, maternity, and funeral.
- Level 2: a daily allowance for the period of medical leave.
Voluntary Contribution Scheme NSSF members are also eligible for free medical treatment and care at health facilities that have entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Health for up to 180 days during each 12 (twelve) month period, but only during the duration of the hospital stay, provided that contributions have been paid for two consecutive months (Article 10 of Sub-Decree No. 280). In case of non-payment of a contribution, the member is entitled to medical treatment and care for an additional two months from the month of the last unpaid contribution. The Voluntary Contribution Scheme member may regain his/her eligibility for medical treatment and daily allowance by resuming contributions covering the number of months in which contributions have been missed and paying contributions for another two consecutive months.
If you have any questions on the Voluntary Contribution Scheme in the NSSF please feel free to contact us.
Contributing Authors:
Shan Berg LIEW
Head of Labor and China Desk
+855 96 267 0408
Sreypich HOUT
+855 81 701 216