21 March 2022

H.E Dr. Sok Siphana Visits RULE for a Book Donation

On the morning of March 16th, H.E Dr. Sok Siphana, visited RULE in order to proceed with a substantial book donation to RULE’s legal department, including important works pertaining to business law in Cambodia. He was gently received and greeted by Mr BUN Reasmey, Vice-Rector at the Royal University of Law and Economics who thanked him on behalf of H.E. LUY Channa, Rector, for his contribution to the strengthening of legal education at RULE. The books will be made available to our students at the Legal Department of RULE’s library as well as at the French Cooperation Center. H.E Dr. Siphana is the patron of the dual degree executive master in international business law jointly organised with the ULB since 2015, and has been a valuable supporter of our programs. RULE would like to express its most sincere thanks for the donation and looks forward to welcoming H.E in the future.