10 October 2022

2023 Public Holidays | Cambodia

What is the status of the upcoming Cambodian 2023 public holidays?

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (“MLVT“) has announced the public holidays in 2023, through a recent Prakas (No. 243/22).

This Prakas indicated no substantial changes from the previous year’s Prakas (No. 277/71) on Public Holidays. However, 2023 will see one day less in public holidays when compared with public holidays announced for 2022, since the Commemoration Day of King Norodom Sihanouk (15 October 2022) will fall on the last day of the Pchum Ben Festival (13, 14, and 15 October), thereby limiting the overall number of public holidays to 20 days in 2023.

Below are the holidays which have been announced for 2023:


1 JanInternational New Year’s Day
7 JanVictory over Genocide Day
8 MarInternational Women’s Day
14, 15, 16 AprilKhmer New Year’s Days
1 MayInternational Labor Day
4 MayVisak Bocha Day
8 MayRoyal Plowing Ceremony
14 MayKing Norodom Sihamoni’s Birthday
18 JunQueen Norodom Monineath’s Birthday
24 SepConstitutional Day
13, 14, 15 OctPchum Ben Festival
15 OctCommemoration Day of King Norodom Sihanouk
29 OctCoronation Day of King Sihamoni
9 NovNational Independence Day
26, 27, 28 NovWater Festival Days

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact Liew Shan BergHout Sreypich, Sopheareach Prum or Matthew Rendall, of Sok Siphana & Associates.