Dr. SOK Siphana granted Professorship status
SOK SIPHANA & ASSOCIATES is proud to announce that our Founding Partner, Dr. SOK Siphana, has been conferred Professorship after a Royal Decree issued by King Norodom Sihamoni.
276 teachers from 8 educational institutions across Cambodia have been granted professorships. This initiative increases efficiency at universities and works as an incentive for teachers.
Teachers from the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Royal University of Law and Economics, National University of Management, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Svay Rieng University, Tboung Khmum, and Phnom Penh Teacher Education College are among those who were conferred professorships.
The professorship of Dr. SOK Siphana is a well-deserved recognition of his highly regarded contributions towards the development of Cambodia’s legal sector, and unparalleled contribution to the country’s trade policies and economic relations. It subsequently solidifies his influence as one of the most prominent and long-standing legal players in the country. This recognition deepens our firm’s roots into Cambodia’s legal sector.
Dr. SOK Siphana‘s professorship is a great honor for our firm, and it is a reflection of our commitment to excellence in the legal profession.
Dr. Siphana has been a lecturer since 1995, and he has played a major role in the development of the legal sector in Cambodia. He is currently a Senior Advisor to the Royal Government of Cambodia. He is also the Chairman of the Asian Vision Institute, a think tank dedicated to promoting good governance and economic development in Asia.