Dr. Sok Siphana had Remarks to the China-Cambodia Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum

23 July 2021


On 23 July 2021, Dr Sok Siphana had remarks to the China-Cambodia Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum hosted by Economic Daily and organized by The Asian Vision Institute (AVI), in collaboration with the China Institute of Economic Trend and China Economic Net via Zoom.

This forum is a great opportunity to learn more about Cambodia-China Development Strategy Alignment, Opportunities for Cambodia-China Economic and Trade Cooperation, Prospects for Cambodia-China Digital Economic Cooperation.

To be part of your beneficial information, we would like to highlight the Top Keys Takeaway from Dr. Sok’s remarks as following:

  • Cambodia and China have a friendly relationship. Their cooperation tremendously benefits each other’s interests. For instance, the BRI brought Cambodia new development opportunities in various fields. To secure an increased partnership, getting the right policy synergy is important to allow them to concentrate their resources efficiently on development as priority areas of mutually interest.
  • With the assistance from China, Cambodia is one of the fast-growing economies and one of the important players in the Mekong region. Cambodia is accelerating in many sectors such as trade, investment and infrastructure which ultimately boost Cambodia’s economic activities drastically.
  • To further promote the relationship, people-to-people exchange, promoted by tourism, is essential for building trust and better interactions to maintain and enhance the good, continuing partnership between the two countries.


Reference to the forum, please visit: https://soksiphana.com/news/china-cambodia-economic-and-trade-cooperation-forum/



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